News & Events

From Adam Slater, Principal


Every day at St Joseph's Memorial School is a blessing and it is wonderful to be a part of a vibrant and dynamic community, that offers engaging learning experiences, along with many opportunities and events.

Winter Co-Curricular

Every Monday, I am always delighted to hear the reports from the students who have participated in school sport over the weekend. Last Saturday, I watched the return of the school football team and it was great to observe the enjoyment of each student representing the school. Last week, the school Debating teams had their first competition and the students demonstrated a high-level of confidence to speak and share their arguments with great success. Once again, I would like to thank all the parent and school volunteers who coach and lead their teams.

Year 6 Netball Team

Year 5 Debating Team

Year 4/5 Soccer Team

Year 4/5/6 Football team

Sports Clinics

This year we have organised a range of sports clinics for students in football and lacrosse. Last week the Reception and Year 1 students enjoyed an AFL session held by the SANFL to develop their skills in football.


School assemblies are a highlight of each term and are an opportunity for the community to gather together to share in the learning taken place and to witness the amazing talents of the students. Assemblies are held in the Performing Arts Space and parents are always very welcome to attend. Last week our Year 5 student hosted the assembly and we had leaders from Mary Mackillop College share a dance for our students.

Update of Key Focus Areas

At the beginning of the year and at the Annual General Meeting, I shared key areas for whole school vision and mission for 2023 and beyond:

  1. Relationships & Culture: Currently we are undertaking the process to co-construct three school pillars and values and have received 160+ School community survey responses from students, parents, staff and the wider community.  
  2. Literacy and Numeracy: Our School Quality Performance Team, including our Leader of Learning Nick Ryan and Early Years Leader Aimee Caruso have been working on a whole school strategy to formalise our agreed Literacy and Numeracy practices. This term, the leaders met with Catholic Education consultants to begin the process of aligning our shared practices with the new CESA system Literacy and Numeracy strategy. Recently, the leaders undertook professional development at the Catholic Education Office to learn and work on the construction of the agreed practices to work with our school staff and students.
  3. Wellbeing: We have created a draft of the school wellbeing policy of a whole school shared focus and practices. Our school leaders and teachers have continued to use the CESA Pulse Check In data to inform student support. The students will undertake the Pulse Check In again in week 5 and 6 of this term.
  4. Community Partnership and events: We are currently in the process of creating a yearly event calendar to assist parents knowing in advance the upcoming events.
  5. Infrastructure: We intend to upgrade and refurbish the the OSHC / Hall at Bridge St and front office spaces at both campuses.
  6. Preschool and Ready for Reception Program: This program has created opportunities for our students to help their smooth transition to school. 
  7. Communication: We are currently using SEQTA for teacher planning and reporting. As part of this process, in semester 1 of 2023, CESA is introducing a system-wide school report for all schools. 
  8. Catholic Education South Australia Clarity Project: We have continued our work to make learning visible for all students and have created a ‘Clarity in Action’ document to provide evidence of the practice within all classes in our school. Next term we will be hosting the Eastern regional schools to share our work in this area. 
  9. Graduate Leadership Program – We are currently working on creating a program to extend our students and provide opportunities for all students to enhance their learning and leadership capabilities. 

Child Safety Information and Guidelines

As you are aware, the safety and wellbeing of every student in our school is our priority. All staff, volunteers and allied health providers are required to complete a Working with Children Screening. Our induction procedures ensure that all persons coming onto the school grounds have the required Child Protection documentation. In addition, as part of our Health Curriculum, our students are taught the Keeping Safe – Child Protection Curriculum which aims to help children develop ways to protect themselves and keep themselves safe.

The links below provide further information for your perusal:

Safeguarding Children and Young People Policy (Archdiocese of Adelaide)

Keeping Safe: Child Protection Curriculum information for Parents and Carers


In relation to St Joseph's Memorial uniform, our aim is that students always take pride with their presentation. Our school is appreciative of parents supporting their child/children in the correct wearing of the school uniform. Please see our school website for more details if required.

I wish all students every achievement in the Term ahead and as always, please contact the the school wherever we may be able to assist you, your child, or your family. 

Adam Slater


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From Adam Slater, Principal



Dear Families

As we approach the end of the Lenten season and celebrate the pinnacle of the Church’s year, Easter, this week our classes have led presentations to bring to life the significant events of Holy Week. I would like to thank the Ebel family for assisting us in our Holy Week presentations by constructing and providing signs to assist the class performances. 




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From Mrs Vassallo-Wakefield


Dear Parents and Caregivers


As we journey through the Lenten Season, we are asked to focus on prayer. Have you ever thought of praying the Stations of the Cross as a family during Lent? There are many sites you can go to but here is a link that you might like to use with your family with simple text:


You might like to search for some images on the stations of the cross to reflect on as well or you might like to reflect on the words and ask your children to draw images for each station. You can even visit the Church, when it isn’t being used and pray as you view the images on the wall.



During Holy Week, the school will be coming together to pray and reflect on some significant events for Jesus during this week. Parents and Caregivers are welcome to attend.


Year Level






Palm Sunday

Monday 3 April



Bridge Street

Year 1

Jesus in the Temple

Tuesday 4 April


Bridge Street

Year 2/3

Holy Thursday

Wednesday 5 April


William Street

Year 5 & 6

Stations of the Cross

Thursday 6 April


St Ignatius Church

Year 4


Wednesday 12 April


William Street



St Joseph was the husband of Mary and the father of Jesus. God called Joseph, a simple carpenter, to care for and protect Mary and Jesus. With great faith and trust, he accepted God’s call. You are all warmly welcomed to join us at our School Mass to honour St Joseph on Tuesday 21 March in St Ignatius Church at 9:15am.



There has been some confusion regarding Class Liturgies and Masses for this term. Please find below the dates of masses and liturgies for Term 1.


Thursday 16 March

9am Year 4 Mass (PAS) 

Tuesday 21 March 

9:15am Whole School Mass 

St Joseph’s Day 

Thursday 30 March 

9am Year 5 Mass (PAS) 


Holy Week Reflections TBA 

Thursday 13 April 

9am Year 2/3 Mass (PAS) 




Dates can also be found at the link below:


Prayer to St Joseph the Father


St. Joseph, guardian of Jesus and husband of Mary,

you passed your life in loving fulfillment of duty.

You supported the holy family of Nazareth with the work of your hands.

Kindly protect those who trustingly come to you.

You know their aspirations, their hardships, their hopes.

They look to you because they know you will understand and protect them.

You too knew trial, labour, and weariness.

But amid the worries of material life your soul

was full of deep peace and sang out in true joy.

 Assure those you protect that they do not labour alone.

 Teach them to find Jesus near them and

to watch over him faithfully as you have done. Amen


Pope John XXIII


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From Mr Slater


Dear Families,

It has been so wonderful to see many families in our school and connecting with our staff and each other. We look forward to a year of reconnection and celebrating our beautiful school and


2023 Vision

At the Annual General Meeting in Week 3, I shared the areas for vision for St Joseph’s Memorial School for 2023 and beyond.

The key areas of focus are:

Relationships & Culture: Co-constructing three school pillars and values.

Literacy and Numeracy School strategy and shared practices to create a shared school curriculum handbook.

Wellbeing Creating a school wellbeing policy of whole school shared practices.

Community Partnership and events.

Infrastructure: Site developments at Bridge St and William St.

Preschool and Ready for Reception Program development.

Communication: SETQA school planning, reports & parent engagement.

Catholic Education South Australia Clarity Project – Making learning visible for all students.

Graduate Leadership Program – Providing opportunities for all students to enhance their leadership capabilities.


Creating shared school values and pillars

This year we will be constructing three school pillars to guide our future direction for growth and three shared school community values that will guide our actions in everything we do. We would like all community members including staff, students, parents and the community to have the opportunity to share in the creation of the three school pillars and three school values, so we have devised a short two question survey to gain your integral input to help us in this process. The survey will ask to you to name the three pillars and three values that you feel best represent the school moving forward with the opportunity for elaboration and discussion. We sincerely appreciate your insights into this process and look forward to sharing the collectively co-constructed school pillars and values with you.

Please feel free complete the short survey by clicking the link below:

SJMS Values and Pillars


Catholic Education South Australia Clarity Project in action at St Joseph’s Memorial

As mentioned above, one of our areas of focus this year is to undertake the Clarity Project to create shared teaching and learning practices that help make learning more visible to students. We have commenced this project with teachers creating and sharing learning intentions for tasks that focus on what students would have learnt by the end of the lesson or activity, such as what is the learning they should retain and take away with them. Then next practice we have introduced involves teachers creating and sharing success criteria for tasks. Success criteria help students to know what's expected of them to know exactly what they need to know or do to be successful with their learning.

Below we have an example of Literacy learning intentions and success criteria used in our classrooms:

Another Clarity practice we have introduced is a ‘Bump It Up Wall’, which consist of linear visual rubrics presented in the classroom that clearly show students how they can progress in their learning for a specific task. The walls can be used for any subject and students use them to gain specific information to help them enhance their learning and work.

Below we have two examples of Literacy ‘Bump It Walls’ used in our classrooms that focus on narrative writing and persuasive writing progression:

I am looking forward to seeing the positive impact that introducing the Clarity practices will have to enhance student learning and achievement outcomes.


Chess Club

In recent weeks our Year 4 students initiated a Chess Club at recess and lunchtime. It has been great seeing students from various year levels play against each other whilst learning more about the game.

School Board

Our School Board has an advisory role in supporting the Principal in planning and implementing the overriding direction of the school. We formulate and approve policies and hear updates from staff. Alongside the School Board sits the School Finance Committee. Some members of the Board also sit on this committee and we discuss the specific financial situation of the school, monitor income and expenditure and plan the annual budget for each year. The Chair of the Finance Committee then presents to the whole School Board. At our Annual General Meeting the group voted in three new parent representatives to the school board. In addition, we have a new staff representative in Mr David Holmes. In future newsletters, we will be sharing information about the members of our school board for you as a community to know them.


School Sports Program

The school sports program is well underway this term with the Cricket, Basketball and Netball. We are appreciative of work the parent volunteers as coaches have been doing to help the afterschool and weekend sports program run smoothly. It brings me great joy to see the positive buzz of energy on mornings that practices are held at the school. 


Southern Cross Article

Recently, I was interviewed by the Southern Cross Newspaper and was featured in the March edition. In the article I shared my passion for education, building positive relationships, and faith. Here is a link to the article if you would like to read it:


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From Mr Slater


Dear Families

We’ve had a positive start to the year, with so many exciting elements to highlight this start.

Learning has been in full swing at St Joseph’s Memorial, and it has been wonderful to go into the classes to see teachers lead purposeful learning and to hear the students confidently share what they are learning about with great excitement.

Last week we held a whole school Mass in the Norwood Parish Church, led by Father Chris Jenkins and it was wonderful to see the whole community together. In addition, we held our first combined Preschool to Year 6 assembly in the new Performing Arts Centre. It was a great opportunity to celebrate the students who received the Live Learn Lead award certificates and to announce our new Year 6 school leaders. The whole school is looking forward to all of the student leaders having a positive impact in their roles.

Additional highlights of the past few weeks have been the community school events that have been held. Last Wednesday night, our Preschool staff hosted a ‘Welcome night’ and last Saturday night, our Parents and Friends group held a ‘Welcome drinks’ in the Performing Arts Centre. Both events were a wonderful opportunity for our community to connect and catch up. It was wonderful to see families that are new to our school community attend.

Our popular playgroup has commenced and it is again held on Friday mornings starting at 9:15am in the Bridge St campus OSHC / Library room. The group is run by Marta and is for children, parents, grandparents and care givers. There is no need to book in to attend and it is free for all community members.

The ‘Skoolbag’ application is our major link to families delivering school alerts, information as well as our electronic version of the school newsletter instantly and directly to your smartphone and/or tablet. This year we are continuing our Facebook site and Instagram page to celebrate the many fantastic things happening in our school. Please feel free to follow these sites to keep posted.

Finally, in reference to staffing news, I would like to congratulate Jess Nelson on winning a position as Marketing and Communications Coordinator at Mary MacKillop College. Jess has been an integral member of our school community as a parent for over 15 years and staff member for over 13 years. In that time Jess has led OSHC, P&F, enrolments, school marketing, communications and administration. It is evident that she goes above and beyond for the school and families to which we have been extremely appreciative of. It is with no doubt that Jess will be sorely missed by the staff, families, students and the community. We will have an interim replacement for Jess in the office and will advertise the position.

Yours sincerely

Adam Slater

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From Mrs Vassallo-Wakefield


Dear Parents and Caregivers 

This week we came together for Ash Wednesday as we begin the season of Lent.  

Lent invites us to connect more deeply with our faith. We are asked to focus on Jesus and his life especially the 40 days that Jesus spent in the desert being tempted. It is a beautiful way to remember Jesus’ sacrifice for us and prepare us for the Easter season.  

During Lent we are encouraged to open our eyes and ears with a deeper focus on praying, fasting and almsgiving. 

Parish Lenten Groups and Talks 

St Ignatius Parish is hosting Lenten Reflection groups and Lenten Talks for anyone who would like to prepare more deeply for Easter.  

If you are interested in participating in the Parish Lenten Reflection groups which are weekly sessions, please refer to the information below. 

Wednesdays, beginning 1 March from 11-11.45am
Location: Hall
Facilitator: Sophie Marta 

Wednesdays, beginning 1 March from 2-2.45pm
Location: Spirituality Centre
Facilitator: Louise Howell 

Tuesdays, beginning 7 March from 7- 7:45pm
Location: Spirituality Centre
Facilitator: Fr Stan Lim SJ 

The Parish Lenten Talks will be held on 3 Thursday evenings in March. Each talk will have a special focus. Please see details below. 

Thursday 2 March at 7pm in the Parish Hall
Sr. Sue Pollard RSJ: ‘Healing, Hope and Spirituality from a Therapeutic Perspective.’ 

Thursday 9 March at 7pm in the Parish Hall
Fr Frank Brennan SJ: ‘Finding Hope in The Voice Debate’ 

Thursday 16 March at 7pm in the Parish Hall
Ms. Leanne Haddad: ‘Centacare: Vehicle of Hope’ 

A prayer for Lent 

God of goodness and mercy, 

Hear my prayer as I begin this Lenten journey with you.  

Let me be honest with myself as I look into my heart and soul,  

noticing the times, I turn away from you.  

Guide me as I humbly seek to repent and return to your love.  

May humility guide my efforts to be reconciled with you  

and live forever in your abundant grace.  

Transform me this Lent, heavenly Father.  

Give me the strength to commit myself to grow closer to you each day. 


Yours sincerely

Grace Vassallo-Wakefield

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From Mr Slater


Dear Families

Welcome to the 2023 School Year!

I wanted to start by thanking the students, staff and families of St Joseph’s Memorial School for welcoming me so warmly to the community. It is evident that the school is a nurturing place where all people are welcomed, valued, and respected. I deeply appreciate that our school has a strong culture of cooperation, fun, friendship and rich learning. My aim as Principal is to help engage children in learning that is relevant, purposeful and connected to their lives. It is evident the school fosters a strong sense of belonging and supports each child to achieve their goals and seek their best.

Across the whole school, we commenced the year with ‘Wellbeing Week.’ The purpose of the week was to provide the students with the opportunities to develop the knowledge, skills and tools to understand and enhance their own wellbeing, as well as, build positive relationships with classmates and teachers. In conjunction with ‘Wellbeing Week’, the teachers participated in a workshop run by Kaine Volkov from Berry Street Education that focused on effective wellbeing practices and strategies aimed to positively benefit students in the classroom.

In the past two weeks, our Preschool and new ‘Ready for Reception’ groups have been buzzing with joyful learning experiences. The educators have set up learning opportunities in the spaces that enable the students to explore, investigate and problem-solve based on their interests and curiosities. The students have been making new friends and have enjoyed being creative through drawing, building and writing.

I have the strong belief that every student is a leader and as a school, our role is to provide opportunities for all students to develop and demonstrate leadership capabilities. The Year 6 students have already shown leadership by creating an ‘Uno’ club at break times for students to join in and play together. In addition to this, another initiative introduced by the Year 6 students this year has been the new ‘Buddy Bench,’ being a seated space provided during school break times for students to develop new friendships and talk with other peers. It has been wonderful to see the students leading and enjoying these wonderful initiatives.

I am looking forward to fostering a positive school climate by promoting a safe and supportive environment that builds effective home and school partnerships. This week we held parent-teacher learning conversations to provide an opportunity to meet and share information about goals for the year ahead.

The afterschool sport program has commenced for the year and I have been able to attend some of the netball and basketball games. It has been wonderful seeing the students represent the school so positively. I would like to acknowledge and share my appreciation for the efforts of the parents who give up their time each week to volunteer as coaches.

Yours sincerely

Adam Slater


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From Mrs Vassallo-Wakefield


Dear Parents and Caregivers

Welcome to the 2023 School year. To our new students and their families, a special welcome as you join our community.

Next Tuesday 14 February I am looking forward to meeting you at our Beginning of Year Mass at 9:15am in St Ignatius Church. I also thank in advance the parents and caregivers who have volunteered to support our Bridge Street students to walk across to Mass and then back to school.

Ash Wednesday  

This year Ash Wednesday occurs in Week 4. The students on the William Street campus will attend a Liturgy of the Word in our Performing Arts Studio at 9:15am. The Bridge Street students will celebrate with a Liturgy of the Word at 2:15pm in the Library.

Ash Wednesday signifies, for many Christians around the world, the beginning of the Season of Lent. A time when we prepare ourselves for Easter by reflecting on how we can be a better person by reflecting on life's choices and possible life directions.

On Ash Wednesday people who seek forgiveness for their wrongdoings are marked with the sign of the cross, from blessed ashes, on their forehead. This symbolic occasion reminds us of: our sorrow for sins, as well as the will to change and the hope of forgiveness. It is traditionally a time of fasting and prayer.

Following the liturgy, students will receive a Project Compassion box from Caritas Australia.  The money raised during Lent, will help Caritas to bring about hope and lasting change in the lives of those who most need it in Australia and countries around the world. Caritas work in partnership with local people, recognising that they are best place to identify their own needs and manage their development programs. Caritas support programs that increase the capacity of communities to help themselves out of poverty, hunger, disadvantage and injustice.

As we prepare ourselves for the year ahead, I look forward to working with staff, students, parents and the wider community as we work together as the Body of Christ.

Yours sincerely

Grace Vassallo-Wakefield
Assistant Principal Religious Identity and Mission

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From Mr Canil


Dear Parents and Caregivers

“Christmas is almost here!” So what do we think of when we hear such news? Probably, the thoughts that come to mind are those associated with the necessary preparations that go to make the day an enjoyable occasion marked by lots of food, presents, lights and tinsel. But, we know of course that the meaning of Christmas will always be the birth of Jesus, God’s Son.

Christmas is an anniversary celebration of when God gave us the gift of Himself without splendour or opulence but in poverty and weakness, in the form of a tiny baby in an animal enclosure. Jesus, Son of God, emptied himself of power, privilege and possessions and was born into the human race in the humblest of manner. In the early years of the Church, Christianity grew and spread very quickly. This was because Christians were known for their unusual compassion for those around them – so different to the treatment metered out by the Romans. The firsts Christians knew that God, taking flesh in Jesus for the sake of the whole world, wasn’t an event of the past; it was the pattern for their own lives every day. People in any age of anxiety and oppression were attracted to a religion whose adherents dared not to follow the culture of the day but to transform it.

The way that our community has rallied around and supported the St Vincent Christmas Appeal is a wonderful example for us and a great reminder of the real meaning of Christmas; the hope, peace and goodwill as we celebrate the anniversary of our Saviours birth. If we choose to reach out to others in the midst of our own worrying, we too, can be liberated by the joy of knowing ourselves to be united to Christ. Also, seeing all the classes practicing for this Friday’s Christmas Carol Night really does bring out the Christmas message to all in our community. 

This time of the year also brings sadness as we say farewell to friends and colleagues who are moving onto new pastures. Some we have known for many years and others but a short time. Our Year Six’s are possibly feeling a number of conflicting emotions; happiness at graduating from Year 6, anxiety about what it could be like at High School and sadness at moving away from friends. I hope they all take away fond memories of their time at St Joseph’s and that they will remember that God will always be there for them and to let the wonder of God’s love come through their lives and allow it to be available to other people.

Thank you to the families who joined us at our End of Year Mass as we thanked God for all of the blessings we have received this year and we pray for our Year 6 Graduates as they leave this part of their journey to continue the next chapter of High School.

This Week’s Sunday Readings are:

First Reading: Isaiah 7:10-14

Second Reading: Romans 1:1-7

Gospel Reading: Matthew 1:18-24

Also, as a quick reminder that Mass times at St Ignatius Church, Norwood are:

Saturday: (Vigil) 6:00pm

Sunday: 8:30am, 10:00am, 5:00pm

Christmas Mass Times: *No bookings required this year*

Saturday: 4:00pm (Family Mass), 6:00pm (Family Mass), 8:00pm 12 Midnight

Sunday: 8:30am, 10:00am

It is with sincere sadness that I write my final newsletter item in the role of Acting APRIM at St Joseph’s Memorial School. I would like to thank the students, staff and the whole school community for making me feel so warmly welcomed during my time here. I see that the school community as positive and progressive with exciting times ahead. I wish the St Joseph’s Memorial Community all the very best for Christmas and the coming New Year. Thank you very much and may our paths cross again in the future.


“We are all a reflection of God’s love”

Franco Canil

Acting APRIM

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From Mrs Vassallo-Wakefield


Dear Parents and Caregivers

We have come to the end of another school year.

This term, like all the others has been filled with wonderful learning experiences for our staff and students alike. It has been wonderful to see how over the year, the students have grown.

On Tuesday we celebrated our wonderful Year 6 students and farewelled them as they leave our SJMS family to continue their secondary education in 2023. I would like to congratulate the following students: 

Layla, Ruby, Gabrielle, Lucinda, Madeleine, Emily, Jenny, Cormac, Rohan, Louie, Yuvraj, Odessa, Charlotte, April, Charlotte, Grace, Hannah, Max, Harry, Hyeon-Gu, and Harry.

May you take away with you: wonderful memories, long lasting friendships and the courage to be the best person you can be. Carry with you in your daily encounters with others, our motto: In Omnibus Caritas – In All Things Love and let these words guide you as you navigate the world around you.

On Wednesday, we celebrated our Preschool students who graduated and will be beginning their primary schooling in 2023. Congratulations to:

Archer, Orlando, Ivy, Briella, Elsie, Anna, Daniel, Sophia and Ava.

We wish you every success as you begin your primary schooling in 2023.

To the families that leave SJMS after a long association with us, thank you for being a part of our community. We wish you all the best and thank you for being such a valuable part of our SJMS family. 

At this time, we also farewell staff who have been a part of our journey in 2022. I would like to thank the following staff for their dedication to our community and wish them every success for 2023.

Franco Canil, Amy Parker, Megan Pollard, Kate Didyk, Cathy Haddad, and Izabella Callisto.

We wish you every success in your teaching careers for 2023.

As well, I would like to announce that Jess Nelson will be stepping down as OSHC / Vacation Care Director. We thank Jess for the dedication that she put into the role since she joined SJMS in 2010. Monique Signore has been appointed as the OSHC / Vacation Care Director for 2023. There will be a transition period where both Jess and Monique will work together. 

I would also like to extend my thanks to Brady Stallard for leading our community from 2017 until 2021 when he took 5 weeks leave but was then seconded to support another Catholic School Community for the remainder of the 2021 school year. 

For 2023, the staffing will be as follows:

Preschool Teachers
Ms Maree Raphael 
Ms Serena Razon
Mrs Mary Murray 
Mrs Courtney Pisaniello 

Early Years Teachers
Reception: Mrs Aimee Caruso / Ms Nicola Ciuffini  
Year 1G: Mrs Nickie Palumbo 
Year 1B: Mrs Mary Piteo / Mrs Zoë Gower  
Primary Years Teachers
Year 2/3G: Mrs Paula Wesley / Mrs Catherine Devitt 
Year 2/3: Mr David Holmes 
Year 4: Mr Andrew Merrigan 
Middle Years Teachers
Year 5: Ms Eloise Di Sisto
Year 6: Mr Christopher Heaney

Specialist Teachers
Japanese: Ms Oriana Radman
Performing Arts: Term 1: TBA, Term 2 onwards – Mrs Jessica Williams 
PE: Mr William Dacombe-Bird

Education Support Officers
Mrs Nicki Cambourn
Mrs Jess Nelson
Mrs Mary Fantasia
Mrs Marta D’Ortenzio
Mrs Erika Petersson
Mrs Claire Tiekink
Miss Monique Signore

Leadership Team
Mr Adam Slater
Mr Nick Ryan
Mrs Toni Benci
Mrs Vassallo-Wakefield

I would like to take this opportunity to extend my thanks to the SJMS community over the past 7 terms for your patience and support. We have finally come to the end of our Stage 1 Building Project and our PAS and Nature Playground are a wonderful addition to our William Street site. The students and staff have appreciated the additional play space that has been opened up to us. 

To the parents and caregivers, thank you for your support, especially to the School Board and to the dedicated small team of our Parents and Friends. I look forward to continuing my work with you in 2023. 

Christmas Blessings 
As we come to the end of this School Year, I would like to wish you and your families a Happy and Holy Christmas. May this Christmas Season be filled with wonder and joy as we commemorate the birth of Jesus. I leave you with a prayer for you to share with your families on Christmas Day.

Lord God,
Today may we not only unwrap presents,
But may we discover more of your love.
Today may we not only eat on festive food,
But may we feast on your faith.
Today may we not only cherish happy times with family and friends,
But may we invite you into our lives.
Today may we not only sing carols that celebrate your birth,
But may we dwell upon the resurrected Christ alive this moment.
Living Lord, we long to discover your love, feast on your truth, 
invite you into our lives and thank you for your sacrifice. 
Amidst the presents, food, and family we long to celebrate Christmas with you.

Yours sincerely

Grace Vassallo-Wakefield

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