We are pleased to announce that we have not increased our school fees for 2024.
School Fees are the primary discretionary source of income for the School and they are determined by the School Board in consultation with the Finance Committee.
The payment of fees is a responsibility and commitment by families and ensures the School maintains quality education and resources for the benefit of all students.
Our fee processes and policies are to be just, respectful, compassionate, and transparent.
School fees are set with due regard for the nature of the school community, appropriate resourcing, equity considerations and are consistent with other recommendations as determined by Catholic Education SA.
We are mindful of the financial pressures being faced by many families and reaffirm our commitment to continue to work with you to ensure your child continues their learning journey as part of the St Joseph’s Memorial School Community. Our Principal or Bursar are happy to meet with you to ensure your individual circumstances do not impact your child’s educational journey at SJMS.
Fees are billed annually at the beginning of the year for R-6.
Families have the option of:
Payments can be made via Direct Debit, B Pay, QKR or in person at the Bridge St campus.