News & Events

P&F Student Disco.png

Message from the Parents and Friends Committee


Dear Parents and Caregivers

School Disco

This Friday 16 August is the SJMS P&F Disco. The Preschool to Year 1 Disco will be at William St in the Piazza and the Year 2 to 7 Disco will be held in the Parish Hall. Please can all children bring a drink bottle of water. Also if you would like to volunteer and you have a current Catholic Police Check, it's not too late to send us an email with your details. Please note - to adhere to policy and ensure a child safe environment, only registered volunteers wearing high vis vests will be permitted to remain on site during the Disco.

Chocolate Drive

There are a extra few boxes available in the Bridge St office so please either pop in or let us know if you would like to sell more chocolates.

SJMS Major Fundraiser

Save the Date Saturday 26 October is the SJMS Quiz Night, details coming soon, new and exciting venue! Please get in contact with us if you would like to join the Major Fundraiser Organising committee.

SJMS Umbrellas

Umbrellas are selling fast, if you would like one they are available to purchase for an introductory price of $40 on the QKR app or in the office.

Father's Day Stalls

Stalls are being held on Tuesday 27 August, Bridge St  9-10.30am and William St 11am-12pm. Please email us if you are able to volunteer to help at either stall.

Father's Day Raffle

We are looking for donations for the Father's Day raffle prizes, please email us if you would like to donate or you have a contact for us to approach.

Father's Day Breakfast

The Father's Day breakfast will be held at William St from 7.30am on Thursday 29 August, followed by a whole school Liturgy from 9am.

Yours sincerely

The SJMS Parents and Friends Committee