News & Events


A message from the Parents and Friends Committee


Dear Parents and Caregivers

Chocolate Drive

Thank you to everyone for supporting the 2019 Chocolate Fundraising, please be aware that the money is now due for payment. There are a extra few boxes available in the Bridge St office so please either pop in or let us know if you would like to sell more chocolates.

School Disco

Save the date Friday 16 August is the school disco. As it was such a success last year  the Preschool to Year 1 disco and the Year 2 to 7 disco will be held simultaneously. Flyer will be sent home soon.

SJMS Major Fundraiser

Announcement and details coming soon......

SJMS Umbrellas

The P&F executive have worked with Ray and Leah Ebel (Jude Yr 2/3, Taylor Yr 1 and Brodie in Preschool) from Get Marketing to design SJMS Umbrella. They are available to purchase for an introductory price of $40 on the QKR app or in the office.

Call out for Volunteers

We are always looking for volunteers so please let us know if you are available to assist us. It doesn't have to be a regular commitment of time or if you're unsure of what you want to offer just have a chat with any of  the P&F Executive members or send us an email. We would welcome any volunteer support no matter how big or small!

Yours sincerely

The P&F Committee