News & Events


A message from the Parents and Friends Committee


Dear Parents and Caregivers

Thank you to all the dads that attended the Footy night last Friday and to Rob Bria for organising the dinner at Grilled and Football tickets. A good night was had by all that attended.

Lunch Orders

We had the first Lunch Order for Term 2 , finger buns, drinks and hot dogs. Thank you to all the wonderful Volunteers that assisted in organising and for making these lunches possible. A big thank you to Paula Briffa for being the key lunch order organiser.

Chocolate Drive

The P&F are again running a Chocolate drive to raise funds for the purchase of classroom and playground resources at both campuses. Forms will go home for the 2019 chocolate drive next week. Order your boxes, donate or opt out on the Skoolbag app by Wednesday 19 June 2019.

Yours sincerely

The SJMS P&F Committee