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A message from the Parents and Friends Committee


Dear SJMS Community

What a great day we had for the SJMS Fun Run; the sun was shining, we had perfect weather, a lovely location, some great raffle prizes and some very fast runners and walkers. A very big thankyou to all the children and parents who came out and participated in this wonderful event and to the teachers and staff who helped to make the day such a success. Many thanks to the Norman family (Willow Bay Australia), the Slade family for the footballs and the Bria Family for the Norwood Football Club items, these donations made for a very popular raffle. Lastly, we would like to thank all the members of the P&F who made treats for our treats stall and to Kimberley Kennedy for organising it. We had such generous donation of treats that we were able to have a Bake Sale on St Joseph’s Day as well.

Coming up…

We will be holding a P&F General Meeting on Friday 5 April at 1:45pm (before the Friday assembly) in the William St staff room for anyone that would like to catch up on all things P&F, we welcome any new ideas or feedback you may have.

Please put Tuesday 30 April in your diary, the SJMS P&F will be holding a Parent’s Information Session called “Pathways to a Healthy Mind”. In it our presenter, Psychologist Dr Tom Nehmy, will discuss the keys to resilience, mental health & wellbeing from early childhood onwards, all based on award-winning university research. More information on the session including how to book tickets will be sent out shortly.

Best wishes

Bridget and Megan

P&F Co Chairs