News & Events


A message from the Assistant Principal (RIM)


Dear Parents and Caregivers

Last week the staff were led through the CESA document, Children: Close to the Mystery of God. The catalyst for this document was the Re-imagining Childhood initiative through CESA and the Thinkers in Residence program with Professor Carla Rinaldi from Reggio Emilia.

Throughout the day Liz Dickinson and Marcia Burgess, CESA Consultants, helped us to reflect on the main themes of the paper which were:

The Gospels and Children
Children: Touching the Absolute Divinity of God
Childhood and Brokenness
Learning, Listening and Love.

We considered how Jesus saw children having a special place and role in society. We reflected on the relationships we have with the students and families within our community. This allowed us to come to a deeper understanding of the students in our care and recognise that often time, children open the door to the ‘mystery of God’ through the work we do together.

If you would like to read this document, a copy will be placed on the school website at the following link:

Staff reflection artwork of Gospel stories with children as the central theme

Staff reflection artwork of Gospel stories with children as the central theme

Mary MacKillop Feast Day

Parents, Friends and Caregivers are invited to join us as we celebrate St Mary MacKillop’s Feast Day on Wednesday 8 August at 9:15am in St Ignatius Church. St Mary is Australia’s first Saint who was very closely connected to the Norwood Catholic Community. As part of our celebration (and keeping up with the Australian theme), we are asking families to donate a jar of Vegemite to support the St Vincent de Paul Winter Appeal. Donations can be sent to your child’s class teacher prior to the day. Please refer to the information in this newsletter for further information in regards to this celebration.

Reconciliation Meeting

Just a reminder to families whose child is enrolled in this program that our next meeting will be held on Sunday 19 August at 9am in St Ignatius Church Hall. I look forward to meeting with you all then.

Grace Vassallo-Wakefield