News & Events


A message from the Principal


Dear Parents and Caregivers

This Sunday is Pentecost Sunday. In the Gospel, Jesus appeared and breathed the Holy Spirit into his friends. These days, coming to faith is a journey where we discover God’s existence within the realities of our life experiences. This can happen through prayer and reflection. Regular time to pray and reflect is a wonderful practice that can aid with our spiritual growth and enable us to identify our unique gifts.

World Environment Day

Today we celebrate World Environment Day which is the United Nations day for encouraging worldwide awareness and action to protect our environment. World Environment Day began in 1974 and has grown to become a global platform and is celebrated in over 100 countries.

Each World Environment Day a theme is developed that draws attention to a particularly pressing environmental concern at that period of time. The theme for 2019 is 'Air pollution'.

World Environment Day is a day our students take action or do something to take care of the Earth. Increasingly students are realising that that 'something' can be local, national or global. It can be a solo action or involve a group.

NCCD Data Collection

Last term we provided all families with information about the Nationally Consistent Collection of Data on School Students with Disability. This term our school is collecting information and evidence about students for whom adjustments are being made. The DDA and Standards use a very broad and inclusive definition of what constitutes a disability, it does not require a medical or professional diagnosis. This can include students with learning disabilities such as dyslexia, auditory processing disorder and health conditions such as epilepsy, diabetes and asthma. The decision as to whether a particular child falls within this definition for this data collection relies on the professional judgement of school staff about each child’s additional educational needs. A decision as to whether a child should be included in the data collection will occur in consultation with you, as a parent or carer, if you do not wish your child to be included please contact Toni Benci. The Nationally Consistent Collection of Data is an Australian Government initiative and separate from the current process through which some students receive support through the Catholic Education SA Special Education Program and are also recognised as students with a disability.

Semester One Reports

Our Semester One Reports are an important part of our reporting to families. The reports provide a comprehensive overview of how your child is progressing half way through the year. Reports will be sent home on Friday 28 June, Week 9. These reports are part of a year-long/4 phased reporting process to parents. We have already had our Learning Conversations in Term 1 and of course case by case individual meetings. In Week 1 of Term 3 there will be the opportunity to have a Parent / Teacher Learning Conversation to discuss your child’s report if required, click here and enter the code z6wgu to book a time online.

Student Safety

Students and families are reminded to be wary of approaches from strangers, especially when they are unaccompanied or travelling to and from school. If they are approached, students should not respond and should not accept offers of rides or gifts.

Students should seek the assistance of other nearby adults if they feel unsafe and should report the event to a trusted adult (parent or school staff member) as soon as possible.

SAPOL advises that taking out a mobile phone and calling police can deter the offender and they recommend the student making a formal report to their closest police station.

Master Plan

I encourage you to observe the panels in each of the Administration areas at both William Street and Bridge Street over the next fortnight. Both highlight the proposed Master Plan that students, staff, board and a parent group have worked on over the past year. The Master Plan has been developed to guide Capital works over the next 10 years. If you have any further feedback I would appreciate any thoughts.

God Bless

Brady Stallard