News & Events


A Message from the Principal


Welcome back, after what I hope was a joy filled and peaceful holiday that allowed you to spend quality time with your families and loved ones. I have thoroughly enjoyed the excitement of students on their return and their holiday recounts. 

I would like to extend a heartfelt and warm welcome to all of our new students and their families to St Joseph’s Memorial. This year we are blessed with an additional 42 students who join us across the school. It never ceases to amaze me how quickly each child’s nerves and anxiety at the start of a new year dissipate, and how within a few weeks their confidence and comfort within their new surroundings blossom. God bless you all and may you experience much happiness and success throughout your learning journey at St Joseph’s Memorial.

I would also like to take the opportunity to welcome and introduce some new educators. Mrs Paula Wesley, Mrs Lisa Clark, Mrs Amanda Murfitt, Mr Christopher Heaney and Mrs Grace Vassallo-Wakefield who join our team at the school. Collectively they bring a wealth of experience and knowledge to St Joseph’s Memorial School; Mrs Wesley is teaching in Year 4, Mrs Clark and Mrs Murfitt teach Year 5, Mr Heaney teaches Year 7 and Mrs Grace Vassallo-Wakefield is our new substantive APRIM (Assistant Principal Religious Identity and Mission) as per my letter last week.

During the break, I took stock from Pope Francis who in his New Year speech said that “Parents, teachers and all educators who, with the same style, seek to form children .., with ethics of responsibility, educating them to feel part of the community, to take care of it, and to be interested in the reality that surrounds them are artisans of the common good, who love their community not with words but with deeds.” Pope Francis offered his thanks to all those who pursue those outcomes. I am looking forward to an excellent 2018.

During the week prior to school commencing staff engaged in different aspects of professional learning, staff meetings and collaborative planning. As we commenced the academic year we had an opportunity to reflect upon and renew our personal and professional commitment to our school, the children and adults who undoubtedly make it the very special place that it is. We continue to focus on delivering the best educational and academic outcomes for our students from the time they start at St Joseph’s Memorial, to the day they leave, ensuring there is a consistency and continuity of learning throughout a student’s time at St Joseph’s Memorial School.

As a whole school approach this year, each class will dedicate 20 minutes every day to reading activities in all forms such as individual, paired, group, parent or teacher led. Every teacher is committed to this to ensure that this core skill is taught, developed and enhanced.

Parent Learning Conversations

By today you would have received an appointment schedule for your child’s individual Learning Conversation. Research shows that parents often find the traditional style of parent evenings frustrating and unproductive (Power and Clark 2000). There is considerable evidence that parents find meetings with their child's teachers more effective when:

  • There is enough time to develop a real dialogue.
  • Meetings take place within a clear framework.
  • All partners go away knowing what has been agreed, what each might reasonably be expected to do and when the situation is next going to be reviewed together. 

Our meetings are designed to be a conversation about your child, a two-way process that enhances our crucial partnership; a process that allows us to share our hopes and expectations; a process that allows us to celebrate success and identify goals for the year; a process that is in the spirit of open, frank and continuous dialogue. As a school we have put these meetings at the centre of our partnership, 100% attendance will ensure that it stays firmly at the centre. This is your opportunity to meet with your child’s teacher/s. Your child does not need to be present at this meeting as many issues can be discussed more openly in their absence.

At the start of the term and the school year it is always beneficial to refresh our memories about a few simple but important things

Uniform: A copy of the St Joseph’s Memorial Uniform Policy is available here to assist parents in ensuring that the children are dressed correctly. I especially draw your attention to footwear, jewellery and hair styling, which at times in some cases appear to be open to interpretation. Families are asked to show their support for the standards set at the school by fully supporting this policy. Should your child inform you that something contrary to the policy is permitted, please check with us! This will avoid ‘incorrect uniform’ notifications being sent home.

Food in School: We have a number of children in our school that are allergic to nuts. The severity of the allergy varies and in some cases it is quite severe; therefore we operate a ‘Nut Free’ policy at our school. You are asked to support this by being ‘Nut Aware’ and not sending nuts or nut products to school. This includes products such as peanut butter and Nutella/hazelnut spread, sesame seed, whole soy as well as the ‘hidden’ nut traces in products such as muesli bars, fruit bars, honey crackles made with crunchy nut cornflakes, sesame nut bars and muffins. Contact with, or ingestion of these products can have serious consequences for some of our students. I want to assure you that all procedures to assist these children at school are in place. Please do not hesitate to talk with class teachers or myself if you have any questions. Thank you for your support and cooperation.

‘Nude Food’: Much of the rubbish that we generate and send to landfill comes from the packaging on the food we buy, and lunch foods are no exception. In fact, it has been estimated that on average a school-age child using a disposable lunch generates three pieces of litter per day, which equates to 30 kg of waste per year. This works out to be almost 10 tonnes of waste produced by a school of 300 students each year from lunch boxes alone! Based around the 3Rs (Reduce, Reuse, Recycle) - litter free lunches (also known as ‘nude food’) are lunches that contain food items with no disposable packaging or single use items, such as pre-packaged foods, plastic bags, juice poppers, bottled water, disposable utensils, plastic straws or food wrapped in cling wrap or foil. Instead, all food is provided in reusable food and drink containers, so that there is no packaging to place into the bin and the majority of the waste produced is organic (i.e. food scraps) which can be recycled via school compost bins and worm farms.

Animals in School: We have a few children in our school that are highly allergic to animal fur/hair. We ask that due to the severity of the allergies that animals do not enter the school grounds.

Punctuality & Attendance: Research and my experience show that if kids are to maximise the benefits of school they need to be in school and on time. Our School gates open from 8:30am (Bridge Street) and 8:20am (William Street) and our school day begins at 8:45am (William Street) and 8:55am (Bridge Street). As a consequence, punctuality needs to continue to be a priority. This simple principle is more than a legal compliance on your behalf; it is providing your child with a work ethic that they will carry into their adult life. I am very proud of our attendance and punctuality rates but there is always room for improvement. Naturally, there are of course times when absence or lateness are unavoidable and we accept this however, as a school we also have a legal obligation to report cases of repeated or extended absences. In line with our colleagues in the government and independent sectors we have adopted a common template called an ED 175. This simple to complete form, available online or in the office, needs to be submitted and signed by the Principal to evidence that the non-attendance is legitimate and that we comply fully with our Child Protection Practices. This form is only applicable for absences of more than one week. Current guidelines recommend that any student whose non-attendance is greater than 10 days in any term be referred to the local Attendance and Welfare Officer for further monitoring.

Communication to students during a school day: We are aware that arrangements for collection of children can change during the day. School Office staff are happy to pass on these messages, I would ask though that you contact the school by telephone to speak directly with a staff member to make these arrangements. Personal contact with the School Office is encouraged to ensure a prompt response to any enquiries.

Parking: I ask that we continue to drive safely around St Joseph’s Memorial and obey the road and parking rules for everyone’s safety.  Please remember that you are unable to leave cars unattended in the Kiss and Drop zones on both Bridge and William Streets. Always refer to the parking signs along Bridge and William Street.

Awareness of impact of colds, gastro and influenza on others

Unfortunately in today’s society it is no longer just ‘winter’ when the wider community is effected by colds, gastro and influenza. The viruses that cause colds, flu and gastro are spread in 2 main ways: by breathing in the fine droplets that are expelled from the nose and mouth of someone who is sick when sneezing or coughing; and by touching your mouth, nose or eyes with fingers that picked up the virus from a surface or object touched by someone who is sick. We can collectively reduce the spread of infections if they arise through encouraging our young people to;

  • wash their hands often and avoid touching their eyes, nose and mouth
  • cover their mouth and nose with a tissue when you cough or sneeze. If you don’t have a tissue use their upper arm or sleeve
  • stay home if they are sick.

As we have students seriously affected by allergies and illness, in particular gastro and flu, we ask that you please make sure you inform us of any illness, particularly gastro and flu that involves your child. Please also make sure that they are kept at home until they have fully recovered to ensure that St Joseph’s Memorial School continues to be a safe place for every student.

What has been continually demonstrated to me is your support for your children and our school.

Thanks for your ongoing support, I am looking forward to an excellent 2018.

Brady Stallard.