Week 6, Term 1 2024

What a positive start to St Joseph’s Memorial School so far this year.
The vision for Catholic schools in South Australia, including ours, is based on the statement: Thriving People, Capable Learners, and Leaders for the World God Desires.
Thriving People
I have privilege of seeing people thriving every day. As a school, our focus on wellbeing comes from this. In order to thrive, it is helpful to understand the gifts and talents each person has. Self-belief comes from being in an environment where you feel valued and nurtured.
Capable Learners
Capable learners are empowered and engaged in the learning process. To be a capable learner, a person needs to be a part of the learning process. We aim to help each student understand what they are learning, why, and how they will know when they are successful. Our teachers continue to focus on this. We are constantly evaluating how and what we teach to share feedback and to develop capable learners who understand themselves, where they are at, and how to grow and improve.
Leaders for the world God desires.
Our school values of kindness, care, and love help us to frame what leadership looks like at St Joseph’s Memorial School. This year, we have incorporated these values into our awards and recognition at assemblies.
In our Catholic school and community, when we talk about leadership, we also have Jesus as our role model and guide. Jesus was brave and fearless. He was compassionate and kind. He was willing to stand up for what he believed in and to help others. It is this that sets us apart as a Catholic school.
Road Safety
This week our Year 4, 5 and 6 students undertook school crossing monitor training guided by a SAPOL Senior Constable. The students learnt about safe processes and procedures in their work as crossing monitors.
With this training it is a timely reminder to families to read the Keeping Kids Safe on roads near school document constructed by the City of Norwood, Payneham and St Peters:
Preschool Community Walk
This week our Preschool students went on a community walk. The children have been learning how to keep safe and practice walking in our community for when we go to William Street for school events. The children noticed things such as the numbers on houses, letter boxes, street signs, different flowers and trees and they also met the local postman.
Class Liturgies with Father Chris
Last week, Father Chris from our connected Norwood parish led a liturgy on the theme of love. It was great to see many parents and caregivers come along and celebrate. We cherish the authentic and collaborative work we share with the Norwood Parish community.
After-school and weekend sports
Once again, it has been wonderful to hear the many stories of improvement, positive team play, and success from our school sporting teams. It was amazing to hear that a student from one of our cricket teams got a hat-trick, along with a brilliant team victory. I have been able to see a number of teams play so far this year, and as always, I have been extremely impressed with the way the students have represented the school in a positive manner.
St Peters Fair
Once again, this year our school will have a stall at the St Peters Fair, which is held Saturday 16 March from 11:00am to 3:00pm at Linde Reserve Stepney.
The St Peters Fair is a fun-filled day for the whole family with live music, delicious food, and an oval full of free children’s entertainment.
Fair goers will be treated to a day of fun and entertainment with something for all visitors:
- Amusement rides
- Jumping castle
- VR gaming
- Face painting and henna
- Petting zoo
- Market stalls
- Live musicians
- Community group showcases
- Roving entertainment
- Food trucks, and
- Kids crafts.
We hope to see you there!
First Nations Incursion
Last week the Year 3 and 5 students had a guest speaker come in to talk about his experiences of farming and the importance of sustainability to First Generation Peoples. It was a wonderful learning opportunity for the students to hear about the various farming tools used.
Bridge Street Library, Hall, and OSHC Building Update
The refurbishment project of the Bridge St Library, Hall, and OSHC is nearing completion, with the flooring, painting, and joinery almost finished. We can't wait for the students to use this space.
Classroom Pulse Check Survey
Each term, in weeks 5 and 6, students take the Classroom Pulse Check Survey. The purpose of the Classroom Pulse Check-In is to find out how students are feeling about their school experience. Our aim is simply to “check in” with our students and measure how they are feeling.
Your child’s responses will help us identify any potential social, emotional, or learning needs that they may have.
As you can see below, there are a range of simple questions about your child’s life at school, their identity as a person and a learner, their sense of belonging, safety, and friendships:
My teacher cares for me. | I enjoy school. |
YEAR 4-YEAR 6 | I currently feel I matter to my teacher. | I currently feel that I am thriving at this school. |
I am learning at school. | I can have a say in my learning. |
YEAR 4–YEAR 6 | I am actively involved in co-constructing my learning. | I feel that my learning needs are being met. |
I have friends at school. | My teacher helps me when I have problems. |
YEAR 4–YEAR 6 | Currently, I feel I have positive relationships at this school. | When asked, my teacher supports me in managing friendship issues. |
I feel safe at school. | I feel like I belong at this school. |
YEAR 4–YEAR 6 | I am feeling safe at this school. | I feel that I belong in this school community. |
For each statement, students will select whether they feel it applies to them “most of the time,” "sometimes,” or “not very often.” Students in Reception – Year 3 will have emojis alongside the options to help them identify their feelings.
A sample of the check-in can be found here: www.cesa.catholic.edu.au/classroompulse
In addition to supporting your child, de-identified data from all participating schools will be used by Catholic Education SA to identify trends to assist in future planning for the support of learning and wellbeing for students across South Australia.
Catholic Education SA believes that our role is to help every child be a thriving person, a capable learner, and a leader for the world God desires.
We believe this check-in will play an important part in supporting that goal and your child.
Please do not hesitate to contact the school if you require any further clarification.
I hope everyone enjoys a wonderful long weekend!
Adam Slater
In an article I read recently, they had the following suggestions for a Lenten fast. You may consider some of the ideas below as we continue our journey through Lent.
- Focus on gratitude - give up complaining.
- Become an optimist - give up pessimism.
- Think kindly thoughts - give up harsh judgments.
- Trust Divine Providence - give up worry.
- Be full of hope - give up discouragement.
- Turn to forgiveness - give up bitterness.
- Return good for evil - give up hatred.
- Be positive - give up negativism.
- Be more patient - give up anger.
- Become mature - give up pettiness.
- Enjoy the beauty that is all around you - give up gloom.
- Pray for Trust - give up jealousy.
- Control your tongue - give up gossiping.
- Turn to virtue - give up sin.
- Hang in there! - give up giving up.
This Sunday at mass, we will hear the story of the Prodigal Son. It is a parable that Jesus told to lead those who had turned their backs on God, back to God.
In the story, the youngest son has turned his back on his father, his family and has run away to what he believes will be freedom and fun. After squandering his inheritance he knows it is in his best interests to return home not really knowing what will be waiting for him. On his return, the son is not confronted with a closed door but rather with a father waiting on the front porch, waiting for his return.
When the son meets his father, the father is not interested in his son’s excuses but instead embraces him and takes him in immediately. He is home, nothing else matters. This example of the Father is the one Jesus talks to us about. The father, who offers love and acceptance, to his children unconditionally.
In the same story the older brother is there to remind us that even if we get our relationship with God wrong, that God’s love is free and forgiving. The older son believes that he has earned his father’s love because he remained at home, but love is not earned it is spontaneous and forgiving.
The message for us in all of this is that we must never underestimate the depth of God’s love.
As we journey through Lent, a reminder that during Holy Week classes will present reflections as we prepare for the Easter Triduum.
We hope you can join us.

Our Learning Journey
Term 1 is coming to an end, and we have had lots of fun experiences so far. But let us introduce ourselves. We are Sienna and Jack, the 2024 school leaders. We will be writing in the newsletter to provide a student perspective on what learning and events we have been getting up to in our school community.
Mathematics: We have been learning about fractions, how to subtract, add, and divide them, and how to put them in word problem form. Learning the different ways fractions can be portrayed has given us a greater understanding of them in real life.
English: We have explored ways to make narratives more engaging to the reader by using sizzling starts, impactful endings and action to make them engaging to the reader. We used our extended vocabulary and these skills to produce a narrative about a Haunted House, while using these skills alongside the seven senses.
Japanese: We learned how to introduce ourselves using a “Jickoshokai” which is a formal Japanese greeting about ourselves. We included our name, age, grade level, where we lived, our nationality, and what we liked, such as a hobby, and will then present it to the class.
Physical Education: At the start of term 1 Mr Dacombe-Bird taught us teamwork games that involved communication and listening skills. One of the games was that you had a partner, and there were two teams: one on one side of the basketball court and the other on the other side. We had to use two skipping ropes to pick up a hoopla hoop and bring it back to our team, but we couldn’t drop it. This game required teamwork, strategy, and communication skills. We also had to do a fitness assessment that required different exercises we had to complete in a minute. Then, we did it another time, trying to compete against our former score.
Design and Technology: We designed a marble run made of sustainable materials. It had to go for 60 seconds—no more, no less—and it required improvising, engineering, and creativity with our groups. We had a lot of fun and learned about the importance of using sustainable materials.
Religion: We learned about the Temptation of Jesus, leading up to the Lent period. We learned how Jesus fasted for 40 days and was tempted, and how he resisted the temptation laid before him. We wrote about a time we were tempted to do the wrong thing but resisted, and it taught us a lot about never giving in to the wrong things.
Performing Arts: In Performing Arts, we followed an online music assessment. Each year level had one specifically for them, and it taught us a lot about signing and different musical instruments. After that, we got to experiment with different instruments with Garage Band using the knowledge we learned. We also rehearsed our Holy Week presentation. Each year level will have a turn to act, sing, and dance to a special event that happened during Holy Week, and as school leaders, we are excited to host this special presentation.
After School Sports: With most students playing for the school, other students have done very well with their club sports, such as me winning the grand final for my Kensington Cricket Club, while others are doing well in their netball, soccer, and cricket teams. All teams have played so well in their sports so far, and we can’t wait to play some more next term!
Carnival Events: We are excited for the Catholic Schools Swimming Carnival this term, with lots of students wanting to try out for the team. Tryouts will be held at the Norwood Swimming Pool on Thursday, and years 3 to 6 can participate in this exciting event. We are so proud of the students who are willing to try out and represent our school!

All Assemblies will be held in the Performing Arts Studio at William St on Friday afternoons at 2pm.
Students from Bridge Street will walk across to William Street to participate in Assemblies, face to face.
Term 1
We will ask for help from our wonderful parents and caregivers to help walk the Bridge Street students across on these dates. Please look out for the form on Skoolbag, next week.
Please remember to check the school calendar regularly for any updates.

St Joseph's Memorial School provides a safe environment for all while valuing the partnership between school and home.
As a Catholic community, we welcome and value volunteers. To be able to volunteer, and/or attend at other times throughout the school year, we ask that you hold the following:
- A current Catholic Police Check (parents/caregivers attending excursions, reading in class, helping in class, attending community events);
- A current Responding to Abuse and Neglect in Education and Care for Volunteers certificate (please click here to view how to complete this requirement);
- Completed the volunteers application.
A Catholic Police Check for volunteers at SJMS are free for our current parents and caregivers. Application Forms are available to download here or at either school office.
We ask that you present your completed form with verification ID to the front office, and we will submit the application on your behalf. You will then receive an email link to complete the process online. Once all cleared you will receive a Catholic Police Check ID card in the post, please bring this in to the front office and we will take a copy of your clearance.
This process ensures we maintain a child safe environment. To avoid disappointment, we encourage you to apply for a Catholic Police Check through either school office as soon as possible.
If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact us at either office.
Thanking you
The SJMS Admin Team
Summary of what is needed to volunteer at SJMS:
Valid Catholic Police Check
Responding to Abuse and Neglect Education and Care Volunteer Certificate
Completed application form

Come see our Preschool in action, contact us for a tour or enrolment information.

We would like to inform you of the dates for Pupil Free Days (PFD) for this year. Please note that OSHC will be available for families that require this service on these days.
Term 2
- Week 1 - Monday 29 April 2024 R-6
- Week 10 - Friday 5 July 2024 Preschool-6 (Whole School Pupil Free Day)
Term 3
- Week 1 - Monday 22 July 2024 R-6
Term 4
- Week 1 - Monday 14 October 2024 R-6
Week 9 -
SJMS Calendar

For dates, information on events and more, please visit the SJMS Calendar.
Join the P&F Facebook Group

If you want to stay up to date with the Parents and Friends Committee, connect with other Parents or buy/sell second hand uniform, remember to join our P&F Facebook Group!
SJMS Uniform Shop News

You can now book your uniform shop appointment online!
How do I book?
The easiest way to book is to go online. You can book a quick 15 minute fitting (best for current students) or a full 30 minute fitting (best for new students or full uniform updates). You can also follow the link to the online shop through your school website!
What if I know exactly what I need?
If you know what you need you can place an online order and collect in store or have it sent to the school for no additional charge.
Finance Team
Go to our Fee Information page to see school fee structure.
For any finance enquiries, email Nicki at accounts@sjms.catholic.edu.au
Nicki Cambourn
Communication Between School and Home

Click here to view the current staff email addresses.
If you are not receiving emails from us, please email info@sjms.catholic.edu.au to ensure your email is correct on our system. Thank you.
School Phone Number
The phone number for the school is (08) 8130 7777. The phone will be answered by either office and your call directed to the appropriate area/staff member.
Audiri app
Download the Audiri app and add 'St Joseph's Memorial School' as your school. This app is used to communicate letters and information between the school and home.
Social Media
Communication platforms (Facebook and Instagram) used to showcase the learning and events occurring at SJMS, as well as a marketing tool for our school.
Parents and Friends Facebook Page
A Facebook Group where parents and caregivers can join to see P&F news, events and sell/buy second-hand uniform.
Qkr! app
An app families can use to pay school fees, OSHC fees, lunch orders and much more.
Qkr! app instructions.
Submitting a student absentee
Parents and caregivers can use the form in the Audiri app or via this website to advise when your child is absent. Please submit before 9am on the day of the absence. Thank you.
Submit an absentee.
Outside School Hours Care Software
iParent portal - the software used for the OSHC services at SJMS. Parents (once registered) can log into the portal and manage their child/ren's bookings online and check their OSHC account balance. Please note OSHC bookings are essential to ensure a child safe environment, maintain appropriate staffing ratios and ensure we do not exceed our licence.
OSHC email.
iParent portal link (for after you have registered).
OSHC registration form.
OSHC information page.
SJMS Sport
Mr Will Dacombe-Bird is the SJMS PE Teacher and outside school sport coordinator. You can contact Mr Dacombe-Bird via email wdacombe@sjms.catholic.edu.au.
Instrumental Program
Learning Through Music provides instrumental lessons at SJMS. You can contact them via email info@ltmusic.com.au.
Follow us on Social Media

Stay up to date with all that is happening across SJMS via our Facebook Page and Instagram Account
Pathways Beyond Year 6

Click here to view the local Catholic pathways beyond Year 6.
Southern Cross News

Click here to read the latest news from the Southern Cross News.
Please contact Nicki Cambourn, Bursar accounts@sjms.catholic.edu.au
Terms & Conditions applicable.

Sibling enrolments
Are there younger siblings in your family that you would like to enrol at SJMS?
We are currently finalising enrolments for 2024 - don't miss out!
Submit an enrolment form as soon as possible, or contact us for a private tour of the school.
SJMS, a Preschool to Year 6 educational pathway where every child shines!